Vision Screening Training for Young Children
Vision Screening Training- Optotypes/Instrument Based Screening (Ages 0-5)
Comprehensive vision screening training for Early Childhood Educators, Clinicians and Home visiting providers utilizing evidence based tools and standardized screening methods for children ages 0-5 yrs in child care, early learning programs, and clinical setting.
Recommended screening techniques
Alternative approaches for children with special healthcare needs
Hands on practice with vision screening tools
*Participants are required to provide their own screening equipment for use during the hands on practice session.
Vision Screening Training for Young Children (Virtual Session)
Vision Screening Training- Optotypes/Instrument Based Screening (Ages 0-5)
Comprehensive vision screening training for Early Childhood Educators, Clinicians and Home visiting providers utilizing evidence based tools and standardized screening methods for children ages 0-5 yrs in child care, early learning programs, and clinical setting.
Recommended screening techniques
Alternative approaches for children with special healthcare needs
Hands on practice with vision screening tools
*Participants are required to provide their own screening equipment for use during the hands on practice session.
Hearing Screening Training for Early Learning Providers
Pure Tone Audiometry/ Otoacoustic Emissions Screening (Ages 0-5):
Comprehensive hearing screening training for Early Childhood and Home visiting providers utilizing evidence based tools and standardized screening methods for children ages 0-5 yrs in child care, head start and early learning programs.
Recommended screening techniques
Alternative approaches for children with special healthcare needs
Hands on practice with hearing screening tools
*Participants are required to bring screening equipment for use during the hands on practicum.
Hearing Screening Training: B-3
Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE )
Provides the basic foundation to hearing screening and understanding the development of the auditory system utilizing evidence based screening tools and standardized methods for children in Birth-3 programs.
Hearing Screening Training: B-3
Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE )
Provides the basic foundation to hearing screening and understanding the development of the auditory system utilizing evidence based screening tools and standardized methods for children in Birth-3 programs.
Enhancing Early Learning Environments to Successfully Include Children with Learning Disabilities (ECHO)
Come join us for the next ECHO series: Session 2!
City of Phoenix BOO Fest
City of Phoenix Boo Fest- Come join us for a family friendly event!
Vision Screening Training for Young Children
Vision Screening Training- Optotypes/Instrument Based Screening (Ages 0-5)
Comprehensive vision screening training for Early Childhood Educators, Clinicians and Home visiting providers utilizing evidence based tools and standardized screening methods for children ages 0-5 yrs in child care, early learning programs, and clinical setting.
Recommended screening techniques
Alternative approaches for children with special healthcare needs
Hands on practice with vision screening tools
*Participants are required to provide their own screening equipment for use during the hands on practice session.
ECS 300: Effectively Partnering with families during the Screening Process
Early learning professionals will learn strategies to assisting families with understanding the benefits of developmental screening through discussion of different assessment tools for young children, communicating results and recommendations as well as identifying the connection to positive outcomes.
INC 100- Inclusion in the Young Child's Environment
Learn how to create an inclusive and accessible learning environment for children with differing abilities. Participants will learn different concepts of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility for children’s learning environments.
Early Literacy for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing Child
Early Literacy for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing Child:
Introduction to literacy strategies for early childhood professionals working with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Literacy tool kit included with registration.
Looking beyond screening: The impact of hearing and vision on children’s learning
Learning about the potential risks associated with late onset conditions for hearing and vision loss.
Pediatric hearing and vision screening services are administered to assist with early identification of potential hearing and vision concerns. It is also important to understand the results that provide parents, educators, and professionals with some insight on the child’s developmental abilities.
Pediatric Vision Screening Training
Vision Screening Training- Optotypes/Instrument Based Screening
Comprehensive training for Pediatric Clinicians administering children’s vision screening utilizing evidence based tools, techniques and standardized screening methods . Includes supplemental screening methods for children who are not able to provide a reliable response.
*Participants are required to provide their own screening equipment for use during the hands on practicum.
Early Literacy for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing Child
Early Literacy for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing Child:
Introduction to literacy strategies for early childhood professionals working with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Literacy tool kit included with registration.
Late Onset Hearing Loss Awareness
Late Onset Hearing Loss Awareness Week:
Learning about possible indicators and risk factors associated with a change in children’s hearing status after passing their newborn hearing screening.
Pediatric Hearing Screening Training
Pure Tone Audiometry/OAE (Ages 0-18)
Comprehensive hearing screening training for Pediatric Clinicians, administering hearing screening utilizing evidence based tools and standardized screening methods. Includes supplemental screening methods for children who are not able to provide a reliable response.
*Participants are required to provide their own screening equipment for use during the hands on practicum.
Vision Screening Training (Virtual Session)
Optotypes/Instrument Based Screening (Ages 3+)
Provides the basic foundation to vision screening and understanding the development of the visual system utilizing evidence based screening tools included in the AZ Vision Screening Kit and standardized methods for children in PreK-12th grade settings.
Hearing Screening Training- Pure Tone Audiometry/OAE (Virtual Session)
Pure Tone Audiometry/OAE (Ages 0-18)
Provides the basic foundation to hearing screening and understanding the development of the auditory system utilizing evidence based screening tools and standardized methods for children in Early childhood and Prek-12 settings.
*Session includes the OAE supplemental screening method for children who are not able to provide a reliable response.
Hearing Screening Training- Pure Tone Audiometry/OAE (Virtual Session)
Pure Tone Audiometry/OAE (Ages 0-18)
Provides the basic foundation to hearing screening and understanding the development of the auditory system utilizing evidence based screening tools and standardized methods for children in Early childhood and Prek-12 settings.
*Session includes the OAE supplemental screening method for children who are not able to provide a reliable response.
Hearing Screening Training (Face to Face Session)
Pure Tone Audiometry/OAE (Ages 0-18)
Provides the basic foundation to hearing screening and understanding the development of the auditory system utilizing evidence based screening tools and standardized methods for children in Early childhood and Prek-12 settings.
*Session includes the OAE supplemental screening method for children who are not able to provide a reliable response.
Vision Screening Training (Virtual Session)
Optotypes/Instrument Based Screening (Ages 3+)
Provides the basic foundation to vision screening and understanding the development of the visual system utilizing evidence based screening tools included in the AZ Vision Screening Kit and standardized methods for children in PreK-12th grade settings.